Autumn at Lantluft 2020
Now it's time to unwind at Lantluft Café and start preparing for the next season. 2020 was the year when we were hit by Covid-19 and everything became so different. Despite that, we have had a fantastic summer 2020 at Lantluft Café and Accommodation! Our accommodation was fully booked but then came the Coronan and our foreign guests had to cancel. Instead, we got homemakers, so much fun that so many domestic guests found their way here this year. Our café has had more visitors than ever and even here many homeowners have discovered our small summer café. We want to offer a restful experience in our garden café while you can get a really good cup of coffee, we are very careful that what we offer should be organic and genuine. Now repairs and updates of the café and accommodation are underway. The apartments Solros and Tulpan will have a new porch and the café a new washroom, etc.
A warm welcome to next season, we open in the spring.
Eva and Torbjörn