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Now it is time for us to move on, after almost nine years with Lantluft (Country Air). During these years, the coastal road has become a concept and tourism industry increased year from year. So inspiring to be part of this, all meetings with guests, friends, workmates, colleagues. It has been a favorable to be involved in the development of the coastal road and with those and associations who enriched us, the food crafts and other producers in the taste experience Blekinge, stories during the oak, and last but not least, the entrepreneurial coastal road southeast as we were involved in forming for purposes To develop the collaboration along this fine coastal strip of Sweden, from Bröms in the north to Torhamn in the south. We have also been involved in creating a lodging project that continues in order to develop our coastline, very exciting is underway.

It has been organic, when and here-produced that has been our guiding principle in the cafe, which has a great estimate of our guests. Being able to go out and pick salad, spices and tomatoes directly from the garden or serve a cheesecake on our own sea buckthorns, of course has been very satisfactory for both us and for our guests …

Our tenants, from when and distant, many from big cities such as Berlin and Hamburg, have expressed gratitude over the silence, nature and wildlife surrounded their stay, to go barefoot in the grass may seem to be a right for us who take it for granted, as well as to sit out on the patio and take the morning coffee. Seeing how the stress runs off a guest after a few days, is just a delight.

We are sincerely hope that those who choose to buy Orranäs 4:17 want to drive further Lantluft cafe and accommodation, there are so many development opportunities if the desire is to adopt the challenge.

We've ravaged the manege.

Torbjörn och Eva

We count on sale at the beginning of next year and Orranä 4:17 is out there for coming from our broker, contact Peter Olsson, Husmanhagberg in Karlskrona if interest is available.

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